For The H - Before & After — Michael Macedo
For The H - Before & After

For The H - Before & After

For The H - Photo Edit

When I took this photo, I already had an idea of what I wanted to do with it. I wanted to give it a grimier feel. I darken the shadows, brighten the highlights & shifted the blue hues to more of a cyan color. 

At this point, I was really liking how the photo was turning out but, I didn't like the antenna tower in the background. I felt it was distracting. So, I decided to remove it from the sky.

And to play off the fact that Izzy was throwing up the H with hands, I found it fitting to add in a shot of the Houston skyline to the background. I felt that brought the whole photo together & completed what I envisioned. I call this photo For The H.

This photo was shot at 24mm, f4, 1/125 second, iso 1600

- Michael Macedo

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