2016 Dobie Baseball Banners — Michael Macedo
2016 Dobie Baseball Banners

2016 Dobie Baseball Banners

Every year, Dobie Baseball creates player banners for the seniors on the team. These banners are hung on the baseball field & displayed throughout the season. When the season is over, the banners are given to the players at the end of the year banquet.

I was employed to create these banners again this year.

To do this, I started by photographing each player. Then, I edited the photographs & built up the design for the banners in Photoshop. I kept the design neat & clean, as I wanted the focal point of the banners to be the players.

The following are the Dobie Baseball player banners I created for this year.

- Michael Macedo

Connect with me on here or through any of these links below:
Website: http://michaelmacedo.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mike_macedo
Instagram: http://instagram.com/michael.macedo
YouTube: http://youtube.com/michaelmacedotv

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